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Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point.

Hazard means risk or danger of occurrence of contamination, injury or similar bodily harm to persons.

Analysis is the analysis of the probability of the occurrence of food contamination. The assessment focuses on the severity of such contamination and why and how the hazard occurred.

Critical Control Point indicates a specific production process stage in which there is a risk of food contamination we are trying to control and remove the emerging hazard.

The above suggests that it is a system of critical points, representing increased potential hazard based on an analysis; a system of preventive measures that serve to ensure the purity of foodstuffs and meals during all activities related to the production, processing, storing, handling, transportation, and sale to end users.

The introduction of methods based on the HACCP principles is a statutory obligation which applies to the whole process of foodstuffs production from primary producers up to end users. The system prescribes the facilities and methods necessary for the prevention of hazards which may endanger consumer health.

Hanácká potravinářská společnost s.r.o.

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